I'm coming home, I'm coming home, TELL THE WORLD I'M COMING HOME!

It's Season TWOOOO!

The Prodigal Son came home, Naomi came home, Moses came home, I came home. Do you need to come home?

I've read the story of Ruth many of times, mainly trying to figure out how Ruth bagged Boaz. I was missing out on Naomi's story though. A wife and mother who was grieving and just wanted be alone in her grief.

In this episode I talk about how God spoke to me through Naomi's grief because this comeback was onset by a TON of grief. I have lost so much over the past year and the Lord has reminded me that it is time to come home. I hope that as you listen you can think about the following:

What did you learn about God?

What did you learn about Naomi?

How do you relate to Naomi?

What actions can you take to get closer to God this week?

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